We feel very fortunate to be welcoming another registered acupuncturist to our team—Maggie Ho. With her warm and caring personality and passion for women’s health, Maggie is a wonderful addition to our team of skin health professionals. The focus of Maggie’s practice will be cosmetic acupuncture, a.k.a. helping you to get your glow-on and make your frown lines disappear.

We realize that the idea of getting ‘poked’ can be a little intimidating for some, so think of this post as an ice-breaker. We are certain that after getting to know her a little better, you will be feel very at ease  to put your skin in Maggie’s hands.

Fast Facts about our Newest Registered Acupuncturist



Job Title

Registered Acupuncturist

Astrological Sun Sign


Years in the Industry

6, client-centred focus 20+

How would you describe your role at Collective Skin Care?

Helping to keep faces glowing and uplifted, naturally!

What inspired you to become an acupuncturist?

Health, initially, but over time I’ve realized it’s the only thing I’ve ever done that’s agreed with every bit of me. It’s kept me beaming, since : )

What is the one piece of skincare advice you would give your younger self?

Name one skincare product you cannot live without and why.

Facial oil! I love any kind of facial oil.

What are your favourite local spots?

Breka, Spanish Banks Beach Off-Leash Dog Park, and Boketto Tea House (for all bubble tea lovers, located in the River District)

Current streaming addiction.

I’ve been watching kid-shows for the last few years, I can sing nearly anything (kid-friendly) that you ask. But it the wee hours of the night and when I’m actually still awake – Bridgerton is something I’m always catching up with (did I just say that out loud)?

A recent book you have read and would recommend.

Please refer to above answer, ha (in books). But, I did recently re-read ‘Face Reading in Chinese Medicine’ by Lillian Bridges. It is a pretty cool read.